Developing Solutions to Regulatory Challenges and Engaging Community Support to Expand Diversion of Food Waste to Anaerobic Digestion in the Northeast:
NERC has worked with the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA) on a two-year contract to assist with the implementation of an anearobic digestion (AD) project. The project developed guidance and training on environmental justice engagement and regulatory compliance to support AD in communities.
Glass Model Legislation Work Group
The Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) convened a Work Group to develop model legislation for minimum post-consumer recycled content requirements for glass beverage and food containers, and fiberglass insulation. View the Glass Minimum Post Consumer Recycled Content Model Legislation.
Organics-End Market Committee
Formed in April 2021, focused on organics end-markets in the region. The committee was open to Advisory Members as well as Board members. It was sunsetted July 1, 2022.
State Electronics Challenge
The State Electronics Challenge (SEC) was a free program that encouraged state, regional, tribal, and local governments, including schools and other public entities, to demonstrate environmental sustainability and reduce costs by "greening" the management of their office equipment.
Glass Recycling in Rural Communities in Maine
NERC was awarded a USDA Solid Waste Management grant in October 2020 to work with nine rural communities in Maine with developing and sustaining a safe and economically feasible glass recycling program for their residents. The project objectives are to identify glass recyclers that serve Maine; provide technical assistance and guidance to implement glass recycling programs; develop resources to inform and educate the public about the new glass recycling programs; develop glass collection and handling safety education for transfer station attendants, including best management practices and training; and promote glass recycling and the project resources through two webinars, social media, press releases, articles, presentations and announcements.
Minimum PCR Content Requirements for Plastic Products and Packaging Model Legislation
In 2020, NEWMOA and NERC partnered to develop model post-consumer recycled content legislation for targeted plastic products and packaging.
Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse
For more than a decade, NERC provided administration and staff support to the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH). TPCH was formed by the Source Reduction Council of CONEG in 1992 to promote the Model Toxics in Packaging Legislation.
Implementing Rural Community Composting in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, & Vermont - Grant
NERC was awarded grant funding from the US Department of Agriculture, Rural Utility Services, Solid Waste Management Grant Program, for Implementing Rural Community Composting in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. The project worked with communities and organizations to divert food scraps and yard/garden trimmings to community-based compost operations.
Implementing Food Waste, Organics, and Manure Management in Rural Maryland Communities - Grant
NERC received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Utility Services Solid Waste Management Grant Program to work with project partners to engage stakeholders in rural and small communities in Maryland to implement best management practices for food waste reduction, organics, and manure management.
Capacity Building for Electronics Recyclers in Nebraska - Contract
NERC supported the efforts of electronics recyclers in Nebraska to become certified to either the e-Stewards or R2 Standards.
Materials Management Training, Technical Assistance, and Outreach in Bennington County, Vermont - Contract
NERC was awarded a contract by Bennington County Regional Commission (BCRC) to provide training, technical assistance, and outreach.
Pilot Model E-scrap Collection / Recycling Program in Nebraska - Contract
NERC was awarded a contract by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) to support a pilot for consumer electronics recycling in Nebraska.
Creating Healthy Communities through Food Recovery & Composting in Vermont - Grant
NERC received funding from EPA Region 1 (New England) for its proposal to recruit and secure at least five hospitality businesses (e.g., hotels, resorts, restaurants, conference venues) and one sporting venue in Vermont to participate to implement sustainable food reduction, recovery, and composting programs.
Electronics Workshops - New Hampshire Solid Waste Operator Training Program - Contract
NERC developed and delivered two 1/2-day trainings for the State of New Hampshire's Solid Waste Operator Training Program.
Food Scrap & Organics Composting Training - New Hampshire Solid Waste Operator Training Program - Contract
NERC staff provided a compost operator training through the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) Continuing Professional Development for Certified Solid Waste Facility Operators. Thirty people participated in the training held on June 13, 2017, in Exeter, New Hampshire.
Implementing the Food Recovery Hierarchy in Rural Vermont Communities - Grant
Through the Implementing the Food Recovery Hierarchy in Rural Vermont Communities NERC worked with communities in Vermont to reduce food scraps, promote increased food recovery and donation options, and divert food scraps to composting.
New York Compost Operators Training - Contract
NERC staff was an instructor for a 1-day Compost Operations Training was held in the Town of Bethlehem, New York on September 15, 2016. Designed for facility operators and managers, recycling coordinators, composting educators, students and others, the training was focused on adding food scraps to the compost mix.
Vermont Green Business Program - Contract
NERC coordinated the Vermont Green Business Program (VT GBP)—a recognition program for businesses that conduct their operations in an environmentally-friendly (green) manner. The no-cost, voluntary program includes the business sectors of hotels, restaurants, marinas, golf courses, and groceries in the Green Mountain State.
Food and Organic Waste Diversion - North Country Council Regional Planning Commission - Contract
NERC was an instructor and assisted in formulating the agenda for a Food and Organic Waste Diversion workshop held July 19, 2016, in Conway, New Hampshire.
Food Scrap Management Training - New Hampshire Solid Waste Operator Training Program - Contract
NERC staff conducted a New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services continuing professional development workshop on Food Scrap Management in May 2016. The training was attended by 60 operators.
Innovative Strategies & Best Management Practices for Implementing Reuse Programs in Rural Communities in New York State & the St. Regis Mohawk Nation - Grant
Through this United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Utilities funded project, NERC worked with rural communities in New York’s North Country and with the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe to decrease their waste stream through creative and sustainable reuse programs.
Vermont School Recycling and Composting - Grant
NERC was awarded a Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Waste Management and Prevention Division “Universal Recycling School Grant” to implement recycling and organics diversion programs in a minimum of four schools (k-12) in Bennington County in southern Vermont.
Simplifying Environmentally Preferable Purchasing - Grant
NERC has completed its Simplifying Environmentally Preferable Purchasing project, which was funded by the Roy A. Hunt Foundation. As part of the project, NERC developed Model Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Specifications and Purchasing Guidelines for paper, toner cartridges, and office supplies.
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - State Electronics Challenge - Grant
From 2011 - 2014, NERC's State Electronics Challenge program has benefited from a generous grant from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, administered by EPA Region 5. It has allowed the Challenge to deliver targeted outreach and assistance in that seven (7) state region: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
Rural and Small Town Organics Management - Grant
Through funding from a U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utility Services Solid Waste Management Grant, NERC worked with rural and small towns and solid waste districts in Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont to help develop and implement best management practices for organics and disaster debris.
Best Operating Practices for Drop-Off Recycling Sites Manual and Training Presentation - Contract
The Illinois Recycling Association, with funding from the Illinois Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity, awarded a contract to NERC to create a Best Operational Practices for Recycling Drop-off Operations guidance document.
Reuse Marketplace - Contract
The Reuse Marketplace is a free multi-state materials exchange to find, sell, trade, or give away reusable and surplus items that would otherwise be disposed as trash. Businesses, institutions, governments, and non-profit organizations in the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont are eligible to become members and can then post listings of available items.
Bennington County Regional Commission Solid Waste Planning Assistance - Contract
NERC was hired by the Bennington County Regional Commission (Vermont) to research and make recommendations regarding the formation of an alliance or district, and strategies for fulfilling the Vermont solid waste implementation plan requirements.
Textiles Collection Outreach - Contract
NERC staff was hired by Baystate Textiles to conduct outreach about textiles collections for reuse and recycling to ten towns in Connecticut. The work included identifying contacts in each of the towns, calling the contacts to inquire if they were interested in finding out more options for diverting textiles from the landfill, and scheduling a regional meeting where Baystate Textiles presented their services to the towns.
New Hampshire Textiles Reuse & Recycling Training - Contract
With funding from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, NERC conducted the Discarded Textiles Management Training for recycling facility operators and managers. The Training was held at the State Office Complex in Concord, New Hampshire on August 7, 2013.
National Research on CRT Management by Electronics Recyclers - Contract
In 2013, NERC was hired by the then Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) ,to conduct a national survey about CRT management practices by electronics recyclers, specifically being interested in their ability to find downstream markets for the material and how CRTs are being processed.
Capacity Building for Residential Bulky Rigid Plastics Collection - Contract
Through a project funded by the Association of Post-Consumer Plastics (APR), NERC researched strategies and recommendations for collecting non-bottle bulky rigid plastics as part of residential recycling programs.
Marketing On-Farm Compost for Sustainability and Economic Viability - Grant
Through a four-year grant from the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program, NERC provided technical assistance and support to farmers to enhance the marketing of compost in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and New Hampshire.
SkillWorks Recycling Jobs Taskforce - Contract
NERC worked with Amy Perlmutter, Perlmutter Associates in a recycling jobs development project in Massachusetts on behalf of SkillWorks.
Increasing Paper Recycling by Businesses in the Northeast - Grant
With a Resource Conservation Challenge grant from EPA New England, NERC worked with two large New England–based businesses, with satellite offices elsewhere in the Northeast, to assist them with further developing their recycling programs.
Promoting Agricultural Environmental Sustainability in Western Massachusetts - Grant
NERC completed a Lydia B. Stokes Foundation funded project to promote agricultural environmental sustainability in Western Massachusetts. Through the project, NERC provided information on manure management, composting, and compost market development to farmers and the organizations representing these constituencies in Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire Counties, Massachusetts.
Special Events Food Waste Diversion in Pennsylvania and Delaware - Grant
Funded by EPA Region 3, this Special Events Composting Project, built upon the experience and knowledge that NERC developed with previous special event waste reduction, recycling, and composting projects. The project focused on food waste diversion and implementing solutions to the challenges that it presents.
Toward Zero Waste as a Practical Strategy in the Construction and Demolition Industry - Grant
NERC completed the EPA Resource Conservation Challenge grant funded project on C&D Zero Waste. As part of this project, NERC worked with participants from Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and New York. NERC worked directly with construction site managers to develop zero waste materials plans; provided on-site technical assistance; and developed training tips, implementation tools, fact sheets, and case studies.
Construction and Demolition Debris Reuse and Recycling in Puerto Rico - Contract
NERC completed an EPA, Region II funded project with the Environmental Finance Center (EFC) at Syracuse University to conduct two Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D) Reuse & Recycling Trainings in Puerto Rico.
New York State's Recycling Markets Database - Contract
NERC completed a seven-year contract with New York State’s Empire State Development’s Environmental Services Unit (ESU) to develop and maintain its recycling markets database. This interactive, on-line database helps users locate outlets for materials that can be reused, recycled or composted.
XRF Screening of Packaging Components: Inks & Colorants - Grant
This Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) project screened over 130 single-use shopping and mail order bags for the presence of lead and cadmium in inks and colorants and compliance with state toxics in packaging requirements. While only three packaging samples failed the XRF screening, the concentration of lead in these shopping bags was significant at approximately 10,000 ppm or 1 percent by weight.
An Assessment of Heavy Metals in Packaging: A Focus on Flexible PVC from Discount Retail Chain Stores - Grant
This report documents the continued investigation by the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) of heavy metals in packaging, using x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The goals of this project were to assess compliance with state toxics in packaging laws by “dollar” and discount retail chain stores; and to identify non-compliant packaging for coordinated action by member states.
Green Hotels in Vermont - Grant
NERC completed an EPA Resource
Conservation Challenge (RCC) — funded grant to conduct a 28-month demonstration project on source reduction, food rescue and diversion, recycling and pollution prevention at Vermont hotels. NERC’s partners for this project were the Green Hotels in the Green Mountain program, the Vermont Food Bank, and the Vermont Convention Bureau.
State Electronics Challenge – EPA Region 8 - Grant
This project introduced and supported the State Electronics Challenge (SEC) in EPA Region 8. During the two year project, 13 organizations joined as Partners from that Region
Vermont Business Materials Exchange - Contract
NERC served as the Vermont Business Materials Exchange (VBMX) administrator from 2009-2011 for the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. The Exchange, developed in 1993, was intended to reduce the amount of materials disposed by providing a website for the exchange of surplus and unwanted items for businesses, towns, and non-profit organizations.
School Waste Reduction, Recycling, and Composting - Grant
Successful implementation of waste reduction, reuse, recycling and composting in schools brings many rewards, including potential cost savings for tight school budgets. NERC was awarded a United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utility Services Solid Waste Management Grant in 2009 to provide direct technical assistance and training in waste reduction, recycling, and composting to rural schools in Connecticut, New York, and Delaware.
Laboratory Round Robin Test Project: Assessing Performance in Measuring Toxics in Packaging - Grant
State toxics in packaging laws restrict the total concentration of four metals – lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium – in packaging. The California Department of Toxics Substances Control (DTSC) contracted with NERC, the administrator of the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH), to perform a round-robin study to evaluate the performance of testing laboratories in determining compliance with toxics in packaging statutes. The study specifically focused on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) matrices.
National Mandatory Recycling & Disposal Bans document - Contract
NERC was hired by ReCommunity to develop a consolidated document that chronicled all of the mandatory recycling and disposal bans in the United States; reported on a state-by-state basis.
Creating a National Reuse Marketplace for Materials Exchanges - Grant
NERC received an EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) grant to conduct a pilot project to develop a web-based network of eight Exchanges — the Reuse Marketplace. This one site allows browsers to easily search the available listings of the participant Exchanges. NERC partnered with iWasteNot Systems for the technical components of this project.
Diverting Special Event Food Waste to Commercial Composting - Grant
This three-year project, funded by an EPA New England Resource Conservation Challenge Grant, piloted food waste composting at special events.
Manure Management Education in New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Vermont - Grant
(USDA Rural Development Solid Waste Management Grant Program)
The goal of the project was to decrease water pollution and enhance solid waste management by promoting the proper management of manure on hobby farms.
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Project for Rhode Island - Contract
NERC was contracted by the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation (RIRRC) to develop a strategy for developing a statewide Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) program.
Recycling Economic Information Study Update - Contract
In 2000, NERC released the first Recycling Economic Information Study in the U.S. It focused on the 10 NERC states. It was later followed by a national study prepared by the National Recycling Coalition, based on the methodology developed in the NERC study. amount of materials disposed by providing a website for the exchange of surplus and unwanted items for businesses, towns, and non-profit organizations.
Unwanted Medication Collections in Retail Pharmacies - Grant
Through a grant from the Community Pharmacy Foundation, NERC worked with retail pharmacies around the United States to encourage the development of unwanted medication collections.
Guidance for Individuals and Small Businesses after a Natural Disaster: How to Manage the Waste – A Model Resource - Grant
Each year severe storms and other natural disasters impact communities around the country. These storms typically generate large amounts of solid waste debris. Through this EPA funded project, NERC developed a resource guide to assist town officials, residents, and small business owners in recovery efforts.
Assessment of Heavy Metals in Packaging: 2009 Update - Grant
This report documents the continued investigation by the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) of heavy metals in packaging, using XRF analysis.
Promoting Source Reduction and Increasing the Use of Recycled Materials through the Green Procurement of Electronics
(EPA Region 3 Source Reduction Assistance Grant Program)
The goal of this project was to promote source reduction and increase the use of recycled materials through the environmentally preferable purchasing of computers by public and private sector institutional purchasers. NERC accomplished this by promoting the use of the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT™)
Promoting Source Reduction and Increasing the Use of Recycled Materials through the Green Procurement of Electronics
(EPA Region 1 Source Reduction Assistance Grant Program)
The goal of this project was to promote source reduction and increase the use of recycled materials through the environmentally preferable purchasing of computers by public and private sector institutional purchasers. NERC accomplished this by promoting the use of the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT™) by institutional purchasers in New England
Recycling Makes Sense – Town, School, and Business Recycling Project - Grant
USDA Solid Waste Management Grant Program
The goal of this project was to increase reuse and recycling by businesses, schools, and municipal offices in Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. This project included working with 32 towns in presenting "Recycling Makes Sense" workshops in the participant states (a total of 22 workshops).
Toxics in Packaging Laws: A Tool to Promote Source Reduction and Environmentally Preferable Purchasing - Grant
Nineteen US states have toxics in packaging laws that prohibit the intentional introduction of four heavy metals — mercury, lead, cadmium, hexavalent chromium — into packaging and packaging components sold or distributed in the state. While the laws have been in force in most of the 19 states for 10 years or more, there is increasing evidence of non-compliance.
USDA Solid Waste Management Grants - Several
This project included four primary components:
-Providing technical assistance to special event planners
-Conducting a waste audit at each event
-Best Management Practices Guidebook for Special Event-Generated Waste in Rural Communities
-Publicizing and promoting the guidance document.
EPA Innovative Waste Management Grant Managing Unwanted Prescription Drugs - Grant
NERC developed and implemented pilot collection programs for unwanted prescription drugs and bulk compounding chemicals. NERC produced a guidebook that reflects the knowledge acquired about state and federal laws, recommendations for holding collections based on the pilot experiences, and recommendations developed by the grant advisory committee.
Materials Exchange Marketing Plan - Grant
Through a grant from EPA Regions I & II, NERC developed a marketing strategy for New England and New York Materials Exchanges that enables them to maintain outreach with schools, municipalities and other potential clients at no- or low-cost.
Assessed Municipal Business Recycling Programs in Massachusetts - Contract
NERC assessed the effectiveness of municipal business recycling programs in Massachusetts. The project included conducting an in-depth survey of each town to find out the details of existing municipal business recycling programs.
New England Strategic Outreach and Education Plan for Reuse and Waste Prevention: Developing Linkages between Materials Exchanges, Schools & Municipal Governments
Funded by EPA and USDA, this project promoted reuse and waste prevention to New England school and municipal purchasing agents by developing an understanding of the economic and environmental benefits of using Materials Exchanges, as well as state surplus property programs.
Newspaper Publishers’ Purchasing Commitments - Contract
In 1998 NERC brought together state recycling officials, representatives of the newsprint industry and newspaper publishers to spur investment in the facilities needed to make the recycling of millions of tons of old newspapers generated in the region an economic and technical reality.
Hazardous Waste Guides for Businesses in New Hampshire and Vermont - Grant
NERC worked on a USDA Rural Utilities Service-funded project to create a directory of hazardous waste collection and recycling programs for businesses in each, New Hampshire and Vermont. These Guides are a quick reference for businesses to better understand the options available to them for disposing of their hazardous waste and the tools that they will need to get them started.
Hazardous Waste Small Business Pilot Collections - Grant
This project included working with coordinators of a municipal hazardous waste collection program in Vermont and New Hampshire and providing assistance to expand their outreach and focus on the programs to include businesses.
Nebraska E-Waste Toolkit - Contract
The E-Waste Toolkit is a three-part resource for setting up electronics recycling programs, and is now available on NERC's website. The Toolkit was researched and written for the Nebraska State Recycling Association with funding from EPA Region 7.
Pollution Prevention Protocol for Technical Assistance Reciprocity Partnership (TARP) - ECOS Project
NERC worked in conjunction with the state of New Jersey to write a Pollution Prevention Technology Tier II Protocol and promoted its adoption by other states.
Beneficial Use Determination Documentation, Massachusetts - Contract
Working with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, and Department of Environmental Protection, NERC developed documents related to beneficial use of non-hazardous waste.
Evaluation of MA Environmentally Preferable Procurement Program - Contract
NERC conducted a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of Massachusetts' EPP Program.
National Electronics Product Stewardship Initiative
The National Electronics Product Stewardship Initiative (NEPSI) was created to bring stakeholders together to develop solutions to the issue of electronic products management. NERC was a stakeholder in NEPSI.
Rural Electronics Collection Project - Contract
NERC worked with rural communities in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont to design and implement electronics collection programs.
Solid Waste Planning, Northampton, MA - Contract
NERC assisted the City of Northampton with designing a revised Integrated Solid Waste Management Program, including full-cost accounting for a pay-as-you-throw system, developing a source reduction policy and plan, and assisting with long range planning.
Recycling Finance Seminars for Business Development Specialists - Contract
NERC developed a one-day seminar as a strategy for assisting recycling businesses to access financing.
Development of Materials Separation Plan - Contract
NERC was hired by SEAMASS, a waste-to-energy facility in Massachusetts, to write a materials separation plan for the management of mercury containing materials that might arrive at the facility.
Northeast Recycling Investment Forum - Grant
NERC was one of the primary organizations that developed the Recycling Investment Forum (RIF) as a strategy to stimulate the development of businesses processing or manufacturing products from recycled materials.
Recycling Business Financing Seminars - Grant
Recycling business owners, like most entrepreneurs, often do not fully understand the range of financing options available to them. To help recycling businesses obtain financing and to find the best businesses to participate in the Northeast Recycling Investment Forum, NERC sponsored a series of eight Recycling Finance Seminars in Fall 1997 and Fall 1998.
Recycling Economic Information Project - Contract
NERC undertook the Recycling Economic Information Project. The project’s Final Report, published in April 1998, detailed a recommended methodology for obtaining economic information on the nation’s recycling and reuse industries.
State Review and Demonstration of a Model State Recycling Rate Measurement Methodology - Contract
During 1995 through 1998, NERC coordinated state input on the development of a uniform methodology for reporting state recycling data and calculating state recycling rates. The methodology was developed by Eastern Research Group, Inc., for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Building a Viable Recycling Infrastructure for Discarded Printing and Writing Paper - Grant
Providing recycling services to small businesses is often prohibitively expensive, due to the small amount of material they generate. And yet, paper industry representatives are concerned about the long term supply of recovered fiber to fuel U.S. mills.
Fostering Economic Development Through Recycling - Grant
The goal of this two-phase project was to increase investment in the region's recycling industry by promoting the industry to the economic development and financial communities.
Market Opportunity Forums - Grant
The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) had a goal of establishing recycling programs for undeliverable bulk business mail (UBBM) in all of their post offices, nationwide. The effort was complicated, however, by a lack of familiarity with UBBM within the paper industry, and by a lack of understanding of recovered paper markets by USPS. To help bridge this information gap, and to encourage the development of infrastructure to recycled both UBBM and other mixed grades of recovered paper, NERC co-sponsored a series of three Market Opportunity Forums in Fall 1996.
Reports on Financial Transactions Supporting Recycling Businesses - Grant
Bankers, venture capitalists, economic developers and other financiers sometimes cite the lack of a financial track record as a reason for not financing recycling businesses. And yet, recycling businesses of all types have successfully secured financing from a wide variety of sources. To help address this critical information gap, NERC surveyed three types of recycling firms: paper stock dealers, plastics reclaimers and compost producers.
Direct Marketing Association - Contract
In 1991, NERC began exploring options with the Direct Marketing Association on reducing the waste associated with direct mail by increasing their use of recycled materials, as well as source reduction and design for recyclability.
Yellow Page Publishers Association - Contract
NERC worked cooperatively with the Yellow Pages Publishers Association (YPPA) beginning in 1990 to reduce the environmental impacts of telephone directories. NERC assisted YPPA in developing the organization's Environmental Action Plan, which was subsequently endorsed by NERC.
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