Beneficial Use Determination Documentation, Massachusetts - Contract

Working with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, and Department of Environmental Protection, NERC developed documents related to beneficial use of non-hazardous waste:

  1. A guidance document that defines the process for the coordination of multi-state review by state agencies for beneficial use of non-hazardous waste applications.
  2. A companion guidance document for state regulators implementing the reciprocity partnership.
  3. A guidance document for use by Beneficial Use Determination applicants that will focus on Massachusetts's new regulatory requirements

The key NERC staff for this project was Mary Ann Remolador. For more information about NERC's current projects, contact Mariane Medeiros, Senior Project Manager.

Evaluation of MA Environmentally Preferable Procurement Program - Contract

NERC conducted a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of Massachusetts' EPP Program. This included cost savings, the environmental and economic benefits, impacts on changed purchasing behavior, and quality of program outreach and education efforts.

See the 2022 updated Report entitled Environmentally Preferable Products.

The key NERC staff for this project was Mary Ann Remolador. For more information about NERC's current projects, contact Mariane Medeiros, Senior Project Manager.

National Electronics Product Stewardship Initiative

The National Electronics Product Stewardship Initiative (NEPSI) was created to bring stakeholders together to develop solutions to the issue of electronic products management. NERC was a stakeholder in NEPSI. It was considered to be a non-governmental position.

Rural Electronics Collection Project - Contract

NERC worked with rural communities in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont to design and implement electronics collection programs.

Solid Waste Planning, Northampton, MA - Contract

NERC assisted the City of Northampton with designing a revised Integrated Solid Waste Management Program, including full-cost accounting for a pay-as-you-throw system, developing a source reduction policy and plan, and assisting with long range planning.

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