Conference Speakers


Opening Remarks








Opening Remarks



Jennifer A. Heaton-Jones, Executive Director, Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority

Jennifer Heaton-Jones is the Executive Director of the Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority, a regional, governmental solid waste and recycling authority serving 14 municipalities in Western Connecticut.  She has been with the HRRA since 2009.  She is a board member on the Recycle CT Foundation.  The RecycleCT Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the importance of managing materials more sustainably through waste reduction, reuse, recycling and composting.  The Foundation created the State of Connecticut’s universal recycling guide What’s In, What’s Out (WIWO).  Jen also serves as the President of the Northeast Chapter of NAHMMA, Chair of the CT Product Stewardship Council and President of the CT Recyclers Coalition.




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