Material Reuse Forum Library


NERC, with the assistance of a Planning Committee of reuse practitioners from around the country, is in the process of planning a series of free, quarterly Deep Dive Forums. These virtual discussions will focus on the role of material reuse organizations in working with and building the resiliency of local communities. The presenters to be featured will talk in-depth about the programs they’ve developed to provide resources and serve the needs of residents, work toward policy solutions, and create economically viable systems. 

By material reuse, we are referring to the reuse of durable goods, including: construction materials, consumer and household items, electronics, books, textiles, and fixtures and furnishings.

Forum Contact: Mariane Medeiros, Senior Project Manager.

Recordings & Presentations

Material Reuse Forum 7: Unpacking Reverse Logistics (December 5th, 2024)

Material Reuse Forum 6: Online Materials Exchange: Challenges, Viability and Reach (September 4th, 2024)

Material Reuse Forum 5: Reuse in Climate Action Plans (January 9, 2024)

Material Reuse Forum 4: Creating Policies That Support Reuse (September 20, 2023)

Material Reuse Forum 3: Measuring Economic Impacts of Reuse (April 11, 2023)

Material Reuse Forum 2: Impact of Building Materials Reuse on Climate Change (December 6, 2022)

Material Reuse Forum 1: Reuse Centers Creating Community: Connections & Benefits (September 7, 2022)

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