NERC currently has six substantive committees that are exclusive to NERC State and Advisory Members:
Purpose: To provide an opportunity for information exchange, updates on efforts to improve/expand bottle bills, the nexus between EPR and bottle bills and issues this may present, as well as other related topics. The committee will not be developing model legislation nor advocating on behalf of NERC for any specific position.
Chair: Gary Feinland, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Meetings: every other month (formed Spring 2021)
Purpose: To foster an inclusive and equitable sustainable materials management (SMM) industry through collaboration, innovation, and education.
Chair: Jessica Levine, Diversity and Inclusion Manager, The Recycling Partnership
Meetings: every other month (formed Spring 2022)
Purpose: To better understand the recycled glass value chain and gaps in the region, and to promote greater diversion of glass containers to the highest-value end uses.
Chair: Jennifer Heaton-Jones, Executive Director, Housatonic Resource Recovery Association
Meetings: every other month (formed Summer 2017)
This vibrant committee is pursuing a number of projects to support and expand recycling markets in the NERC 11-state region.
Chair: Chaz Miller, ExOfficio, NERC Board
Meetings: every month (formed Fall 2018)
Purpose: To advance sustainable organic waste management practices in the Northeast through collaboration among industry experts, regulators, and other stakeholders.
Chair: Debra Darby, Tetra Tech
Meetings: every other month (formed Summer 2024)
Purpose: The committee’s goal is to increase the supply of post-consumer plastics, glass, and paper to the marketplace by exploring different supply-side strategies and to compose a Supply Side Policy Guide to compliment minimum post-consumer recycled content model legislations.
Chair: Bradley Baker, Maryland Department of the Environment
Meetings: every other month (formed Winter 2023)
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