Annual Report FY2024

JULY 1, 2023 - JUNE 30, 2024

Eleven states united in a mission to minimize waste, conserve natural resources, and advance a sustainable economy through facilitated collaboration and action.

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During Fiscal Year 2024, NERC continued to evolve with further organizational transitions. Assistant Director, Mary Ann Remolador, who retired from NERC after 29 years of service, provided support and training to our new staff, Marianne Medeiros, Senior Project Manager, and Sophie Leone, Development and Program Manager, passing on invaluable organizational context and perspective about the evolving SMM industry and the role NERC has played throughout the past several decades. Robert Kropp, Office Manager and Bookkeeper, also retired after ten years after bestowing deep organizational knowledge and insight to the new team members.

As a team, NERC provided over 2,000 individuals with education on: reuse, solutions for wasted food, plastic recycling processes, and other topics pertinent to our industry. In addition to hosting nine webinars, NERC held two conferences, in Rhode Island and Pennsylvania, bringing together over 250 individuals collectively to discuss critical issues in sustainable materials management. Over 130 state and advisory representatives engaged in critical dialogues through our committee work. These conversations resulted in series of educational presentations from experts, allowing participants to gain a deeper understanding about topics like chemical recycling, specific material markets, and regulatory best practices for policies such as Bottle Bills. The Guide to Increasing Recycling Supply was also developed to identify and explore successful strategies to increase the supply of recycled materials across the recovery value chain.

Collaboration is core to NERC’s composition. As you will observe in this report, cross-state and cross-sector conversations flourished this past year, and new resources were developed from the fresh expertise and valuable contributions of our community members. We continued our partnerships with the Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse (ERCC), Northeast Waste Management Officials Association (NEWMOA), RecycleCT, and Vermont E-Scrap, and engaged with new organizations to enhance learning for our respective stakeholders. 

As we navigate Fiscal Year 2025, we look forward to creatively collaborating with our members and partners to identify and scale the sustainable materials management innovations and solutions needed to enhance and achieve our local communities’ environmental sustainability goals. 

Megan Schulz-Fontes

Our Purpose

NERC believes in a world in which waste is minimized and natural resources are conserved. NERC works directly with state, regional, and local agencies, the private sector, trade associations, and others to help address sustainability challenges and achieve environmental goals for the Northeast region of the U.S.

Our Approach

Our goal is to bridge informational gaps across the public and private sectors, develop educational resources, and advance conversations on critical issues across sustainable materials management (SMM).


We provide interactive webinars and forums focused on pressing issues and topics for the greater SMM community at no cost.


Through our committees and projects, we develop freely available resources for the SMM ecosystem.


Our committees and conferences provide a platform for cross-state and cross-sector conversations to enact system changes and other solutions.


NERC held nine informational webinars and forums, free to members and non-members. Topics spanned from plastic recycling processes to food waste mitigation strategies, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for tires, and more. Over 2,300 unique individuals registered for the webinars. The highest number of attendees was 353 and the average 231 attendees. View our webinar and material reuse forum libraries.


Northeast Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs) Commodity Values Report

Four quarterly Northeast MRF Commodity Values Reports were released to map fluctuations in the value of commodities processed by the region’s MRFs: July 2023, November 2023, February 2024, and May 2024. The educational tool is valuable for promoting improved residential recycling and participation and provides useful data for recyclers, MRFs, municipalities, and state agencies.

Guide to Increasing Recycling Supply

NERC published a guide developed with the Supply Side Policy Committee during FY24 to identify and discuss strategies used by different stakeholders to increase the supply of recycled materials. The Guide To Increasing Recycling Supply is a compilation of case studies about real examples of regulatory and non-regulatory strategies used by state and local governments, private industry, and non-profit organizations to increase the quantity and quality of residential recyclable materials - paper, cardboard, glass containers, plastic packaging, aluminum containers, and steel cans.


Annual Conferences

100% of survey respondents found both events informative and engaging

“I truly appreciate the connections that can be made at the NERC spring conference. It is large enough that there are many people to meet but it is small enough that there is plenty of time to network with many people. I also found the information that was presented fascinating, and I enjoyed the variety of topics from policy to wasted food to mining to chemical recycling. “

Spring 2024 Conference Attendee

Fall 2023 Conference: A Resourceful Future for Sustainable Materials Management

NERC's Fall 2023 Conference was held in person on November 1–2 in Providence, Rhode Island, bringing together over 170 attendees from across the U.S. and Canada. The event featured expert speakers on topics such as Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), Recycling Market Development, Media Literacy, Environmental Justice, and Organics.

Survey respondents highlighted networking as one of the most valuable aspects of the conference, along with discussions on EPR. In particular, the session titled "Implementation Progress of State Packaging EPR Laws: A Status Update of Existing Packaging EPR Laws in Four States" was highly regarded.

Spring 2024 Conference: Building Dynamic Solutions

The Spring 2024 Conference took place from April 31 to May 1 in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, bringing together an intimate group of approximately 120 attendees. This dynamic event featured discussions on Food Management, Supply and Markets, Chemical Recycling, and more.

Notably, 100% of survey respondents found the conference highly informative and engaging. One attendee particularly appreciated the networking opportunities, noting that the event's size allowed them to meet new industry professionals while also dedicating ample time to meaningful conversations.

View our conference records.


NERC facilitates six active substantive committees that are comprised of state member representatives and advisory member organizations: bottle bill; chemical recycling; diversity, equity, and inclusion; glass markets; regional recycling markets; and supply side policy. These committees work collaboratively to advance policies, best practices, and market development opportunities in the recycling and materials management sectors. Focus areas during Fiscal Year 2024 are provided below.

Bottle Bill

The Bottle Bill Committee focused on analyzing proposed legislation across the Northeast, sharing best practices from states with existing bottle deposit programs, and identifying opportunities for modernization and expansion. The committee has also facilitated discussions on the effectiveness of redemption systems and coordinated stakeholder engagement to improve efficiency and accessibility.

Chemical Recycling

The Chemical Recycling Committee actively reviewed emerging technologies and legislative developments related to chemical recycling. The Committee hosted educational sessions with industry experts to better understand the environmental and economic impacts of chemical recycling processes. Additionally, members have contributed to policy discussions surrounding definitions, permitting requirements, and end-market applications.


The DEI Committee continued to advance equity in the recycling and sustainable materials management industry. The Committee focused on workforce and leadership development by launching the Emerging Professionals Program to provide streamlined access to events and resources for those just starting out in sustainable materials management (SMM) careers. 

FY24 Chair: Jessica Levine, The Recycling Partnership


The Glass Committee focused on strengthening regional end markets for recycled glass. Key initiatives included convening processors, end-users, and municipalities to address quality concerns and transportation challenges. The Committee began developing The Map of Flow of Glass in the Northeast which should be published in Fiscal Year 2026 with the goal of improving glass collection while supporting policy measures that encourage sustainable glass recycling.

FY24 Chair: Megan Mansfield-Pryor, Previously Maine Department of Environmental Protection

Regional Recycling Markets

The RRM Committee continued its work in evaluating regional material flows and market trends. A monthly market update report is published every month by Chaz Miller, which highlights key supply and demand shifts in recovered materials. Public and private organizations showcased their businees operations, identifying ways to increase market stability.

FY24 Chair: Chaz Miller, Ex-Officio Board Member, NERC

Supply Side Policy

The Supply Side Policy Committee worked to improve the quality and quantity of recyclables through education, policy discussions, and resource development. Meetings addressed misinformation, contamination reduction, and MRF operations while facilitating discussions on public engagement strategies for increasing material recovery. A key achievement was the development of the Guide to Increasing Recycling Supply, a resource featuring case studies on successful approaches to improving residential recyclables. 

FY24 Chair: Shannon Crawford Gay, WM

Environmental Leadership Awards

NERC recognizes leaders in environmental sustainability every year. In its seventh awards ceremony in fall 2023, NERC honored four organizations for their dedication to NERC’s mission as Benefactor Members and three organizations for their outstanding leadership in our industry. Visit awardee page.

Outstanding Organization: Inner City Green Team

Inner City Green Team (ICGT) is a nonprofit dedicated to environmental protection and poverty alleviation through recycling education, job training, and paid work for NYCHA residents. Their goal is to create a sustainable, replicable recycling infrastructure at NYCHA that fosters employment and community revitalization.

Outstanding Member: Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority

Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority (HRRA) is a regional waste management and recycling authority serving 14 municipalities in western Connecticut. Their project aimed to create a self-sustaining closed-loop composting system using Aerated Static Pile (ASP) Composting to manage food waste locally, reduce carbon emissions, and provide compost for residents, farmers, and municipal use.

Outstanding Member: Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority

Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority (HRRA) is a regional waste management and recycling authority serving 14 municipalities in western Connecticut. Their project aimed to create a self-sustaining closed-loop composting system using Aerated Static Pile (ASP) Composting to manage food waste locally, reduce carbon emissions, and provide compost for residents, farmers, and municipal use.

Benefactor Awards

The Benefactor Awards were distributed to organizations who have demonstrated their commitment to NERC’s mission through their support and membership.


Consumer Technology Association


Waste Management (WM)

Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA)

NERC continued its coordination with NEWMOA to address the needs of northeast state members, while maximizing the effectiveness of both organizations. Additionally, NERC partnered with NEWMOA on an EPA grant centered on Anaerobic Digestion and Environmental Justice Regulation in the Northeast.

National Center for Recycling Electronics (NCER)

NERC continued its partnership with the NCER to serve as the fiscal agent for the Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse (ERCC), providing administrative and financial management support. ERCC provides a forum for information exchange among state agencies implementing electronics recycling laws and all impacted stakeholders. NCER administers ERCC programs.

Vermont E-Waste Recycling Program

NERC continued to serve as the in-state administrator for the Vermont state E-Waste Recycling Program, facilitated by NCER.


NERC continued its contract with RecycleCT Foundation to serve as its fiscal agent and Board Secretary, and provide assistance in ensuring state requirements are met.


JULY 1, 2023 - JUNE 30, 2024


Dues from state membership and advisory membership make up roughly half of NERC's annual revenue. The remaining revenue comes from conferences and other events, grants and consulting projects, and other sources such as interest on financial assets or reimbursed expenses.


The majority of NERC expenses are programmatic (75%), which includes planning and execution of webinars, conferences, and other events; resource development; outreach, services, and support to both members and non-members.

FY2024 Board of Directors

NERC's Board is comprised of a state agency representative from each of the 11 states NERC represents. Our Ex-Officio board members are non-voting members who provide expert council to NERC.

Executive Committee

  • President:  Josh Kelly, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
  • Vice President: Megan Mansfield-Pryor, previously Maine Department of Environmental Protection
  • Treasurer: Richard Watson, Delaware Solid Waste Authority

Ex-Officio (Non-Voting)

  • Resa Dimino, Resource Recycling Systems
  • Chip Foley, Consultant
  • Jennifer Heaton-Jones, Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority
  • Chaz Miller, Maryland Recycling Network


  • Chris Nelson, Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
  • Bradley Baker, Maryland Department of the Environment
  • John Fischer, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
  • Michael Nork, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
  • Erin Jensen, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
  • Jared Rhodes, Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation
  • Jeff Bednar, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection




Executive Director



Senior Project Manager

Mary Ann


Assistant Director



Development and Program Manager






Sustainability and Data Management Intern

NERC’s programs are supported and delivered by a dedicated team of professionals. View our current team.

Advisory Members

Our members make up a large, diverse community that believes in a world in which waste is minimized and natural resources are conserved. Members are key to shaping NERC’s events and priorities for discussion, training, and projectsVisit our Member Directory.

Committee Representation

NERC State Members Represented on NERC's Committees

Bottle Bill Chemical Recycling DE&I Glass Regional Recycling Markets Supply Side Policy
Connecticut (CT DEEP) X X X X X
Delaware (DSWA) X X X
Maine (ME DEP) X X
Maryland (MDE) X X X X X
Massachusetts (MA DEP) X X X X X
New Hampshire (NH DES) X X X
New Jersey (NJ DEP) X X X X X
New York (NY DEC) X X X X
Rhode Island (RIRRC) X X X
Vermont (VT DEC) X X X X X

NERC Advisory Members Represented on NERC's Committees

Bottle Bill Chemical Recycling DE&I Glass Regional Recycling Markets Supply Side Policy
Ag Container Recycling Council X X
American Beverage Association X
Association of Plastic Recyclers X X
Carton Council X
Casella Waste Systems X X
Chittenden Solid Waste District X
City of Salem X
Coca-Cola X X
Consumer Technology Association X
EFS-Plastics X X X
Fibre Box Association X
Glass Packaging Institute X
GreenBlue X
Housatonic Resourse Recovery Association X X X
Keurig Dr. Pepper X
Bottle Bill Chemical Recycling DE&I Glass Regional Recycling Markets Supply Side Policy
Plastics Industry Association X X
Pozzotive X
Primo Brands X
Republic Services X X X
Reverse Logistics Group X X
South Carolina Department of Commerce X
The Container Recycling Institute X X
The Recycling Partnership X X X

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@Northeast Recycling Council, Inc.

@Northeast Recycling Council (NERC)

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