From 2011 - 2014, NERC's State Electronics Challenge program has benefited from a generous grant from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, administered by EPA Region 5. It has allowed the Challenge to deliver targeted outreach and assistance in that seven (7) state region: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

As a result of the grant, 50 organizations in the Great Lakes region became Partners, representing almost 71,000 employees. A complete list of these Partners, as well as the other activities of the Challenge, and environmental benefits associated with them, is available in the Final Report, is available on the NERC website

The Challenge will continue as a result of its private sector sponsors: Samsung, Panasonic, the Consumer Electronics Association, and the R2/RIOS program.

Thank you EPA Region 5! And to all of our Partners and sponsors.

Rural and Small Town Organics Management - Grant

Through funding from a U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utility Services Solid Waste Management Grant, NERC worked with rural and small towns and solid waste districts in Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont to help develop and implement best management practices for organics and disaster debris.

Project accomplishments included:

Best Operating Practices for Drop-Off Recycling Sites Manual and Training Presentation - Contract

The Illinois Recycling Association, with funding from the Illinois Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity, awarded a contract to NERC to create a Best Operational Practices for Recycling Drop-off Operations guidance document. This new resource provides guidance on best management practices for collecting traditional and nontraditional materials, site design recommendations, staffing options, fencing and surveillance, among other things specifically for recycling drop-off sites. The intent is to showcase a range of best management practices applicable to drop-off operations and provide lessons and examples from which everyone can learn.

NERC was also contracted to create a PowerPoint presentation and script based on the guidance document to use for training purposes.

Reuse Marketplace - Contract

Introduction to the Reuse Marketplace Webinar Recording

Reuse Marketplace PowerPoint Presentation

Reuse Marketplace Leaflet

The Reuse Marketplace is a free multi-state materials exchange to find, sell, trade, or give away reusable and surplus items that would otherwise be disposed as trash. Businesses, institutions, governments, and non-profit organizations in the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont are eligible to become members and can then post listings of available items. Members may also post detailed wanted listings, specifying the type(s) of items they need. Anyone can browse and access the posted items.

The Reuse Marketplace replaced the individual state business materials exchanges in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont; and added three additional states (Delaware, New Jersey, and New York) to allow for material flow across state borders. The Marketplace includes more than 30 categories of items ranging from agricultural to textiles, as well as more than 60 subcategories. The site is intended to help members find new homes for their unwanted items, reduce trash and save money on trash disposal, and reduce their carbon footprint.

The Reuse Marketplace was originally supported by states and private businesses. NERC developed and administered the Marketplace for its first two years. Presently the site is being administered by iWasteNot Systems.

Partners: iWasteNot Systems, Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, Delaware Solid Waste Authority, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, New York State Department of Environmental Conservtion, Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation, and the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources.

The key NERC staff for this project was Mary Ann Remolador. For more information about NERC's project, contact Mariane Medeiros, Senior Project Manager.

Bennington County Regional Commission Solid Waste Planning Assistance - Contract

NERC was hired by the Bennington County Regional Commission (Vermont) to research and make recommendations regarding the formation of an alliance or district, and strategies for fulfilling the Vermont solid waste implementation plan requirements.

Textiles Collection Outreach - Contract

NERC staff was hired by Baystate Textiles to conduct outreach about textiles collections for reuse and recycling to ten towns in Connecticut. The work included identifying contacts in each of the towns, calling the contacts to inquire if they were interested in finding out more options for diverting textiles from the landfill, and scheduling a regional meeting where Baystate Textiles presented their services to the towns. 

For more information about NERC's textiles reuse and recycling projects, contact Mariane Medeiros, Senior Project Manager.

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