Food, Culture, and Loss

June 19, 2018

June 19, 2018

"If I'm an advocate for anything, it's to move.

As far as you can, as much as you can.

Across the ocean, or simply across the river.

Walk in someone else's shoes or at least eat their food."


 - Anthony Bourdain


The world suffered a great loss with the death of Anthony Bourdain earlier this month. Through his television shows, interviews, books, and public speaking engagements, Bourdain provided us with a taste of a wider world. Most importantly, while he introduced us to impressive diversities of cuisines, cultures, and people, he also demonstrated that through cooking and sharing meals, all of the world’s people have much in common.

Bourdain was an enthusiastic advocate of traveling and exploring the world through the local cuisine of the places we visit. I had the privilege of hearing Bourdain speak a couple of years ago, and he articulated this simple yet profound message throughout his talk.

He observed that when many Americans travel, they eat at their hotels or even the fast food joints that have become ubiquitous around the world. He, on the other hand, encouraged everyone to explore the places we visit through tasting their local food, and by “eating what the locals eat” to fully immerse ourselves in our travel experiences.

Through the simple act of sharing a meal, we become more accepting of others and their cultures. Watching Bourdain explore countries around the world, including in the Middle East and Africa, we realize he brought us a better understanding of these countries, a greater acceptance of our differences, and celebration of our similarities. He was a fabulous storyteller who could bring us a country’s history and culture to life through its food.

He spoke out against prejudice and became a voice for marginalized populations. He advocated for better working conditions for restaurant employees, the need to truly address drug addiction and fund workable solutions for recovery, and was a vocal supporter of the “me too” movement.

Above all he was honest and unwavering in his support of all cultures and diversity.

Bourdain spoke of food waste as “an issue that goes fundamentally against my instincts as a longtime working cook and chef, where we were taught from the very beginning that one just does not and cannot and must not waste food." In 2017, he produced WASTED! The Story of Food Waste.

The film’s website states that WASTED! “aims to change the way people buy, cook, recycle, and eat food.” Having viewed the film in a room filled with college students, I believe it successfully reaches its goals. Food waste is discussed through interviews with chefs, including Bourdain, Dan Barber, Massimo Bottura, and Danny Bowien.

WASTED! explores the issues most of us in materials management are familiar with—the impacts of food waste and its contribution to climate change. Most importantly, the film demonstrates concrete actions we can all take to reduce food waste and make a difference. The film presents companies such as Toast Ale, an English company which brews beer from unsold loaves of bread from bakeries, and unused crusts from sandwich makers. All profits made by Toast Ale go to Feedback, an environmental charity campaigning to end food waste.

The film explores how throughout Japan, food scraps are collected and used for livestock feed—farmers are heard bragging about how their particular blend of food scraps makes for the best tasting meat. The collection of food waste for anaerobic digestion occurs throughout South Korea, reducing disposal needs and helping to meet the country’s energy needs.

WASTED! points to the responsibility we all have to reduce and divert wasted food. As Bourdain states, "It begins in a sense with, how do we value the things we eat? It begins with just starting to pay attention to how much food you're buying, how much you are actually using, what you are doing with it."

There are many great people who have left their mark on the world, Anthony Bourdain is indeed one of them.

By Athena Lee Bradley

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February 20, 2025
As a leader in sustainability, RecycleMe has become an expert in Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). Globally, they are relied upon by leading brands to help them achieve sustainable product packaging with top-tier EPR consulting. This expertise is fueled by their four guiding principles: Innovation, Sustainability, Global Best Practices, and Teamwork. As an innovator, RecycleMe ensures its team of experts remains ahead of the curve, using the latest solutions when working with their clients to meet their needs at the highest level. Conserving resources and closing loops is a longstanding leading commitment of theirs. By keeping those commitments at the forefront, sustainability is always at the foundation of their work. Recycle ME has locations in 10 countries worldwide, allowing them to build a strong global community network.  NERC is excited to welcome RecycleMe to its team of Advisory Members. We look forward to working with them and supporting their extensive engagement and dedication to sustainable practices.
By Megan Fontes February 11, 2025
NERC’s Material Recovery Facilities (MRF) Commodity Values Survey Report for the period October - December 2024 showed a drop in the average commodity price for Q4. The average value of all commodities decreased by 23% without residuals and 26% with residuals compared to last quarter. Single stream decreased by 28% without residuals and 32% with residuals, while dual stream / source separated decreased by 15% without residuals and 17% with residuals compared to last quarter. This is the 23rd quarterly report in NERC’s series of reports on the market value of commodities from MRFs in the Northeast. This report includes information from twelve (12) states with the addition of Connecticut: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia. The number of participating MRFs increased from 15 to 19 as compared to last quarter. These survey results reflect the differing laws and collection options in the participating states. Five of the states included in this report have beverage container deposit laws. As a result, fewer glass bottles, PET bottles and aluminum cans are processed in MRFs in those states. Those MRFs are also likely to have less revenue from those recyclables. In addition, the report reflects a mix of single stream, dual stream, and source separation to collect recyclables with single stream being the most common approach. The type of collection used will have an impact on MRF design and operation. Thus, the data from this report reflects the unique blend of facilities and statewide laws in the reporting states. Residual refers to the incoming material that cannot be marketed and goes to disposal. The value without residuals reflects the value of a perfect ton of marketed material, while the value with residuals reflects the value of each ton processed with the costs associated of disposing unmarketable material. Note: In many cases, recovered glass goes to market but at a negative value. This data is not intended to be used as a price guide for MRF contracts. NERC’s database represents single and dual stream MRFs, states with and without beverage container deposits, a wide variety in markets and geographic access to markets, and variety of materials collected for processing at the participating facilities. As a result, it represents the diversity of operating conditions in these locations and should not be used as a price guideline for a specific program. For more information, contact Megan Schulz-Fontes, Executive Director, at .
By Waste Advantage December 19, 2024
Waste Advantage  During the last week of October, the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) held their annual Fall Conference in partnership with State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry’s (SUNY ESF) Center for Sustainable Materials Management (CSMM), and in collaboration with Syracuse University’s Institute for Sustainability Engagement in Syracuse New York. The conference featured three days of great discussion about the complex challenges that come with waste and recycling, circularity, packaging, sustainability, and other important topics around the industry. View the Full Article Here
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