The Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) is a public agency with representatives from twenty-two towns, cities, and boroughs, formed to provide a basis for intergovernmental cooperation in dealing with a wide range of issues. The primary focuses of the agency are centered around regional planning and extend to transportation, environmental, and inter-municipal planning. SCCOG undertakes numerous studies and initiatives each year, under the guidance of its member municipalities.
The most recent report released by SCCOG is their Municipal Solid Waste Report. At the direction of its Solid Waste Subcommittee, SCCOG staff analyzed municipal solid waste data in the southeastern Connecticut region, including disposal tonnage and municipal cost data, for the five-year period from 2018-2022. The report highlights the cost and infrastructure challenges that municipalities are facing, while also providing some potential solutions and next steps to tackling the waste crisis.
“Connecticut’s solid waste crisis is impacting southeastern Connecticut municipalities, residents, and businesses. Our region has historically taken a proactive approach to solid waste management, and SCCOG seeks to support this approach by becoming a member of the Northeast Recycling Council. Participating in the Organics Management Committee especially will allow us to collaborate and exchange ideas with others facing similar issues, and collectively advance sustainable organic waste management practices.” – Amanda Kennedy, SCCOG Executive Director.
NERC is pleased to welcome the Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments to its team of Supporting Advisory Members. We look forward to working with SCCOG and providing the necessary tools and support to their expansive community and network.
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