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A Solution To The Blue Wrap Waste Problem

• Once blue wrap has been used in hospitals for sterilization, it is usually landfilled despite being a clean and useful fabric • Blue wrap is a plastic fabric that is exactly the same as the material used for reusable shopping bags • Billions of reusable shopping bags made from extracted resources are shipped across the world and imported to the U.S. • We could be creating jobs, decreasing our waste, and fighting climate change by making bags domestically out of this blue wrap waste product instead of importing. • The Recycling industry is being strained by extraction of cheap natural gas in the U.S. and China no longer accepting recyclables, this is increasing the need for repurposing. In the United States we dispose of 200 million lbs of plastic #5 that is perfectly clean and reusable, while simultaneously importing around 100 million lbs of the same exact material, mostly from East Asia.
