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What's up with the global plastics treaty?

Today's guest blog is authored by Jon Smieja of the GreenBiz Group. The original post can be read here.

According to Pew and SystemIQ, plastic flows into the ocean are expected to triple by 2040. Immediate action, though, could stem the tide by more than 80 percent.

That’s why when nearly 200 countries agreed to work toward a treaty to end the plastic pollution crisis in March, the circularity community cheered. That cheering, of course, was tempered by the fact that there is a long way to go and likely a lot of compromises to be made. Fortunately for all of us waiting, the International Negotiating Committee (INC)…

RecyclingWorks in MA Fall 2022 Forum Recap

Today's guest blog is authored by Sonja Williams of RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts. The original post can be read here.

RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts (RecyclingWorks), in collaboration with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), hosted the RecyclingWorks MA Fall 2022 Forum virtually on November 9, 2022. This year’s forum focused on updates and resources to help businesses and institutions understand and comply with changes to MassDEP waste disposal bans on commercial food waste, textiles, and mattresses that took effect in Massachusetts on November 1, 2022. Over 130 businesses, institutions, service providers, nonprofit organizations, and other Massachusetts stakeholders came together to learn about the specifics of these changes, ask…
