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Why is composting so hard in the United States?

Today's guest blog is authored by Suz Okie of GreenBiz. The original post can be read here.

To anyone who knows me, it should come as no surprise that I compost. Between my thrifty, waste-not-want-not nature and the potent greenhouse gas emissions of food waste in landfills, throwing food scraps in the bin is simply not an option in my book.

So when I transplanted to Portland, Maine three months ago — a non-circular life update I’m simply delighted to share — I quickly discovered I had three options: I could drop off my organics for free at five city-run locations, pay a local private company for weekly curbside pick-up, or I could go it alone and start my very own backyard operation.

In many ways, having a choice marks me as lucky. I’m part of the privileged
