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Resolve To Recycle More, Better in 2020

This guest blog is courtesy of The Recycling Partnership.

Tired of the same old new year’s resolutions? You know, the ones you abandon before February? 2020 is the dawning of a new decade, not just a new year – why not resolve to recycle more where you work, live, learn, buy, and play? It’s not only a simple resolution, it’s one that benefits the environment, creates jobs, reduces litter, and benefits future generations.

But first, let’s recap why we should all recycle.

Why recycle? What are we wasting for™?

  • Recycling benefits the environment by diverting hundreds of millions of pounds of valuable materials from landfills and avoiding millions of metric tons of greenhouse emissions annually, creating healthier air and cleaner waterways. Recycling also reduces the need for sourcing new raw materials through mining and logging, which can create water pollution and emit greenhouse gases. It also saves energy used to produce new products from raw materials.
  • Recycling…
