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Why a Market-Based Tire Recycling System Shouldn’t Be Scrapped

This guest blog is courtesy of Paul Arellano.

Tire recycling is a mixed industry. There are government regulations that determine how to legally dispose of used tires, yet the system is still largely market-based. There are some who favor greater government control of the tire recycling industry. While it’s true that government regulation is a necessity, a market-based system shouldn’t be scrapped entirely.

Pros and Cons of a Market-Based System

Although a market-based system has its benefits, there is no doubt this industry would look very different without government involvement. Many businesses and individuals would probably choose not to recycle, but rather dispose of their tires in a landfill if there were no penalties for doing so. There might be less of a demand for rubber in the civil engineering industry if the government did not award tire recycling grants.

The current system has seen great success, however, and greater government regulation may not be necessary.

A 90% Success Rate

