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Five Amazing Uses for Recycled Tires

Having to get snow tires on this time of year makes me think of a couple of things: 1) ugh, winter is around the corner; and, 2) snow tires are a wonderful thing. So, in honor of the underappreciated but highly valuable tire, I offer this Guest Blog courtesy of Paul Arellano, Sales & Marketing Manager at Lakin Tire.

The Takeaway – Potential Solutions to Recycling Woes

NERC’s Glass Forum last week engaged more than 100 people in discussing issues around glass container recycling.

Rethinking Wasted Food

As the holidays are just around the corner, it seems timely once again to address wasted food.

We Won Exemptions for Repairing Tractors, Cars, and Tablets

The Copyright Office has determined which of your own devices are legal to investigate, modify, and hack—bringing a close to our year-long saga of legal gunslinging, negotiating, fact finding, hearings, and deliberating over US copyright law.

Certified Zero Waste

The U.S. Zero Waste Business Council (USZWBC) mission is to educate, inform and document the performance of Zero Waste Businesses using scientific methods to help businesses and communities become more healthy and sustainable.

Lick the plate: The ecological and economic costs of food waste

We’re hearing a lot about food waste lately. Every year a staggering one-third — 1.3 billion tonnes — of the world’s food is wasted after it has been harvested: 45 per cent of fruit and vegetables, 35 per cent of fish and seafood, 30 per cent of cereals, 20 per cent of dairy products and 20 per cent of meat.

When did the Planet become an Ashtray?

Whatever happened to litter awareness? We don’t seem to do that much anymore. When I was a child my mom scolded me for littering. “Don’t be a litterbug” was posted on waste bins. The “Crying Indian Man” ads were everywhere.

He's Back...

I’m not sure what’s more appalling—Tierney’s lack of regard for the impact our production and consumption has on developing nations, the environment, and the loss of resources for future generations or his advocacy for simply burying everything because civilizations have been doing so for thousands of years.

Introducing Biosolids

Today’s Guest Article is by Ned Beecher, Executive Director of the North East Biosolids & Residuals Association.

Glass Frontiers

As we know, glass containers are endlessly recyclable. In theory, if not always in practice, anyway.