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Experiential Giving Pilot Project

An experience is a fun and memorable gift, and can be anything from taking a bird identification class to attending a comedy show with friends. Research shows that experiences are special because they can be unique, the associated anticipation increases enjoyment, they provide long-lasting memories, they are fleeting so we value them more, and their value increases with time.

Plastic World

Plastics are ubiquitous; this fact cannot be denied. Many plastics are needed to support our happy modern day lifestyles. But where do we draw the line on our ever-growing production of plastics; and even more importantly, the ever-increasing environmental impacts of plastic materials?

It's Never too Early, Part 2

The approaching holiday season is a good time to think about ways to reduce waste and promote wasted food reduction to stakeholders in our communities. NERC’s new Food Recovery Hierarchy Compendium--Programs and Strategies contains many examples of municipal, regional, state, university, and nonprofit organizations promoting waste food reduction.

Art, Found Objects, and Stuff

Two exhibits at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA) bring together the ideas of repurposing and the changing landscape of our consumer culture, production, and transportation into an increasingly digital world of the internet, automation, and 3D printers.

Protecting the World’s Largest Geyser Ecosystem with Recycled Tires

Among the uses for recycled tires is pavement. Yellowstone National Park has so far paved 11,100 square feet of pathway with an innovative eco-friendly paving material that is manufactured in part from recycled tires the recycled material, replacing aged crumbling asphalt paths.

It’s Never too Early

The holiday season will be upon us in no time. It’s always a good time to think about ways to reduce food waste, but during the holidays it becomes even more important since the volume of food waste generated rises dramatically.

September 27 — “Silent Spring” Published (1962)

Published in 1962, Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring helped to launch the modern environmental movement and still inspires environmentalists today.

How the World Can Cut Food Loss and Waste in Half

By now, you’ve probably heard about the world’s problem with food loss and waste. An estimated 1.3 billion metric tons of food go to waste each year, affecting our economy, our well-being and our environment. What you’ve probably heard less about is the progress being made in reducing food loss and waste, and what needs to happen in the future to address this problem.

Robots Become a Reality in the Evolution of Carton Recycling

The Carton Council of North America and AMP Robotics recently announced that a carton-plucking robot has been installed at Dem-Con Companies, a recycling, processing and disposal company in Minneapolis.

1987…a Good Year

1987 was a big year for recycling and the founding of several notable recycling organizations, including NERC and the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries.