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What Is a NERC Advisory Member?

Who Should be a Member

The Northeast Recycling Council actively invites businesses, trade associations, non-profits, recycling and sustainability organizations, solid waste districts, and municipalities, among others, to be part of the organization. As an Advisory Member, you have the opportunity to help shape conferences, workshops, ISRI quote supporting NERCwebinars, and events, as well as to identify projects and priorities. Members are invited to participate on committees, and to engage in open discussion with the NERC Board and staff. Our membership is diverse and growing. 

A list of current members is available.

NERC is a unique resource. 

We work directly with state, regional, and local agencies, the private sector, trade associations, and others around the country to help address sustainability challenges and achieve environmental goals. NERC provides its Advisory CSWD quote supporting NERCMembers with unrivaled access to information, developing trends, and networking opportunities.

We host and support national programs, including the Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse (ERCC), the State Electronics Challenge, and the EPPnet and Organics Management Northeast listservs.

Through our projects and staff, NERC is routinely invited to participate in national dialogues and to provide solutions to help achieve a world in which waste is minimized and natural resources are conserved.

Learn more about membership here.

Why should I be an Advisory Member?

NERC offers a unique opportunity for Advisory Members to:

  • Increase their visibility in the environmental and sustainability communities
  • Extend your brand to the right audience through the NERC website, blogs, social media platforms, and monthly Email Bulletins
  • Network with state officials, industry experts, and strategic thinkers
  • Actively participate in substantive conversations and action

When you become an Advisory Member of NERC, you become a member of a APR quote supporting NERClarge community that believes in circularity and an environmentally sustainable economy.

Whatever membership level you choose, you will benefit from your investment. All of our members receive the monthly Email Bulletin with information about upcoming programs and events, as well as industry and member news and trends. Members receive recognition on the NERC website, have articles published in the Bulletin, are offered free consulting services, and discounted conference and workshop registrations. Special events for Advisory Members provide a way to learn and connect with NERC and industry professionals.

Republic quote supporting NERCA rare synergy is created by NERC’s membership, Board, and staff, enabling members to consider multiple perspectives on a given issue and undertake projects and activities that benefit not only the Northeast but often the entire country.

Please take a look at our Advisory Membership brochure. If you have any questions, please, email